Red Indo

(4 customer reviews)


Here at KOG, we have been receiving requests for another “green red”. This is a good opportunity to explain why some people prefer “green reds” or more accurately, strains labeled as red but not fermented.

With Red Indo, we have sourced wild red vein leaf from West Borneo, and simply bypassed the fermentation process. The processing and especially the location where the leaf is harvested is what causes a “red vibe”. Please read the description for an in depth explanation of these “green reds” We hope the few people who have been asking for this strain appreciate the in depth explanation and our new Red Indo addition.


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Here at KOG, we have been receiving requests for another “green red”. This is a good opportunity to explain why some people prefer “green reds” or more accurately, strains labeled as red but not fermented.

Sounds kinda contradictory as the vein color has no bearing on effects regardless of marketing and falsehoods. The vast majority of kratom that grows naturally in Indonesia, are almost all red vein.

You can verify this by speaking to an honest Indonesian provider of your choice.

So…what is a “green red”. I feel this needs to be explained because an educated consumer will find what they like best.

The drying, processing, sun exposure and is what creates a red strain…Prior to the fermentation process that creates the deep red color, all reds will look the same as greens. It is the same leaf. I’m going to get into it a little deeper.

For instance…the leaf or raw material used by the same provider or team for say Red jongkong, green jongkong, and white jongkong is 100% the same leaf material. Its just known as raw material from Jongkong. When Indo providers obtain mass quantities of leaf, there is no red, green or white seperation. No attention is given to vein color. The difference of effects comes in the drying technique.

Green is widely considered the strongest of the primary three colors (red, green, white). To make a green, you dry quick with indoor drying and short spurts of sunlight in early AM. That results in my super bright greens that are very popular. This is called the supergreen process. With the hotter season resulting in the brightest green colors.

White strains are dried indoor or in shade slowly, fading away the chlorophyll and creating a more pale color we know as white. Very often, green is added to whites much like most white balis as greens tend to add length as whites can go away pretty quick.

Red strains follow the exact same treatment as green but some very minor differences. When preparing a red, it is dried like a green with more exposure to stronger sun to speed up the process, if there is any difference at all. Then the vein is left in during the grind as the red pigment in the vein can sometimes create a slightly different color. If the vein is removed, it is as green as a typical green. Then the vast majority of reds undergo a fermentation process to create a red. This is the creation of “Red”.  This started when Bentuangie (fermented red) was released about 5 years ago. This also changes the alkaloid profile and creates a slower strain that is dark in color. Like a super red. Lower Mit% Higher 7OHM% post fermentation. Higher Mit% and lower 7OHM% for non fermented reds.

Gold and yellows are pretty much always blends of green, red, and white.

So to fill the requests for a “green red”, we have simply bypassed the fermentation process using a location and provider very well known for their reds and asked to prepare the red, and bypass the fermentation process. This results in a stronger and more pronounced red…kind of like the green version of the same leaf, but a little bit slower due to the changes that occur to the alkaloid profile that occurs with extended sun exposure, but not as dramatic of a difference between a green and bentuangie. I do not mean full drying in the sun, as that will result in weak reds.

A couple of the reds we carry that are examples of “Green Reds”, or more accurately non fermented reds is our premium red md and premium red elephant and many more that we have carried since we opened.

However, most of the “green reds” you come across are simply blends of red and green.  Red Thai is the most popular version of a green/red blend.. And the brighter the green used, the greener the red will be.

With Red Indo, we have sourced wild red vein leaf from West Borneo, and simply bypassed the fermentation process for a full indoor dry. The processing and especially the location where the leaf is harvested is what causes a “red vibe”. We hope the few people who have been asking for this strain appreciate this in depth explanation and our new Red Indo addition.


•Kratom OG does not do any international shipping and no shipping to states where the law does not allow it. You must be over 18 to order. Mitragyna speciosa. No direction for use

Additional information

Sold in grams

100g, 250g, 500g, KG

4 reviews for Red Indo

  1. BillyBobJoe

    I cleaned my room. I cleaned my fridge. I moved a sofa up two flights of stairs. Cleaned the garage and ate a bunch of ice cream. Most red strains even from good vendors just don’t do the trick for me at all but this Indo is a very cherished focused feel. I like it. Combined with a small amount of green and I’m a mean-clean Indo machine.

  2. Jace

    Aroma is amazing and grind/color, surely one of the more beautiful ones. It hasnt worked for me yet, but others in my circle enjoy it a bunch! Definitely 5star Green Red nonetheless 🙂

  3. Jace

    3rd times the charm! Clean morning energy, but still has some comforting/light red feels. Strongly uplifting (reminiscent of faster greens) yet mentally relaxed (like a mid red). As a huge fan of daytime reds, this is done RIGHT!

  4. BillyBobJoe

    I was one of if not the first one too try this strain when KOG first got it, 5 years ago now which seems crazy. Still whole heartily love easily one of my favorite strains, great feel of euphoria balanced energy and great for depression and pain relief. Love it more than my own future children

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