Extra Gold

(2 customer reviews)


Extra Gold is from the same excellent provider who does the Extra Red and Extra White. Grind is amazingly fine and still dissolves in liquids like the others. Stem and vein removed. This is a full spectrum blend with red, white and green. Leaf is from KalBar reigon. Touches on all things. Very nice strain.

SKU: EXG Categories: , Tags: ,



Extra Gold is from the same excellent provider who does the Extra Red and Extra White. Grind is amazingly fine and still dissolves in liquids like the others. Stem and vein removed. This is a full spectrum blend with red, white and green. Leaf is from KalBar region. Touches on all things. Very nice strain.


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Sold in grams

30g, 60g, 100g, 200g

2 reviews for Extra Gold

  1. Randa

    The extra gold adds the perfect touch yellows when I’m blending. I notice a peaceful sense of well being and contentment. It’s been my go-to gold in the mornings.

  2. Medea

    I used this to mix with my Red Bali, as I almost always mix. Had a very peaceful feeling. A feeling of well being. Very smooth. A new favorite!

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